Name | Description | Preview |
Payroll Assignment | Assign IDs and pay to employees from file using classes and objects | |
Movie Structures | Print out movie data using structures | |
Structure Search & Sort | Search and sort through an array of structures | |
Text Adventure | Text adventure using external library | |
Pointers | Uses pointers as parameters | |
Arrays and Pointers | Uses pointers as parameters for an array of test scores | |
Donations | Use user input, pointers, and arrays to sort donations + input validation | |
Movie Statistics | Prints out statistics from user input about movies | |
Linked List Class | Linked list class with getters and setters | No Preview |
Linked List Printout | Prints out a linked list using linked list class | |
Reverse Linked List | Added reverse method to linked list class | |
Rainfall | Given rainfall each month put into a linked list and print out statistics and sort | |
Reverse Text | Uses a stack to reverse text in a file | |
Space Ace C++v1 | Space shooter created in C++ using Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) |