Name |
Description |
Preview |
Hello World |
Basic Hello World |
Area of a Circle |
Calculates the area of circle |
Weight Conversion |
Converts pounds to kilograms |
Right Triangle Area |
Calculates the area of a right triangle |
Volume of a Cylinder |
Calculates the volume of a cylinder |
Format Degree Converter |
Converts Celsius and Fahrenheit then formats the output to 3 decimals |
Tip Calculator |
Calculates the tip needed for a restaurant bill |
Area of 3point Triangle |
Calculate the area of a triangle given 3 points |
Distance Calculator |
Calaculates distance between 2 points |
Circle Intersection Calculator |
Calculates whether 2 circles intersect given both origin points and radii |
Tip Calculator 2 |
If 15% is < $5 tip $5 instead |
Distance Convertor |
Choose whether to convert feet to inches or inched to feet |
Random 2 Card Sum |
Randomly picks 2 cards and adds them together |
Distance & Degree Convertor |
Combine distance and degree convertor |
Payroll Calculator |
Calculates employees regular pay, overtime pay, and gross pay |
Distance & Degree Conversion Loop |
Adds a loop to distance & degree convertor |
Sales Tax Calculator |
Given a list of sales return # of transactions, sales total, total tax, and average |
Payroll (file i/o) |
Given a file calculate payroll and output to new file |
MPG Calculator (file i/o) |
Given a file calculate the miles per gallon, output to new file |
Car Rental (basic) |
Given vehicle type, daily rates, and days rented calculate rental cost, tax, total, # of customers and total money collected |
Car Rental (intermediate) |
Added data validation and weekly rates and fuel charge, subtotal, total taxes, total fuel charges, and average bill calculations |
Car Rental (advanced) |
Added file i/o, insurance charge, mileage charge, and fees |
Polygon Area Calculator |
Create a method that calculates the area of a polygon |
Multiple Polygon Area Calculator |
Given the length of 1 side calculate areas of polygons with 3-10 sides |
Dice Roll Methods |
Create methods that simulate 2 dice being rolled and display them in unicode |
Craps |
A single player Craps game |
Guess the Number |
Number guessing game with try/catch validation |
Guess the Number 2 |
Runs in dialog boxes |
String Conversion |
Converts strings to ints or doubles and try/catch errors |
Polygon Area Calculator (file i/o) |
Added file input and output for polygon area calculator |
Retail Program |
Given inventory file (name quantity cost markup) output retail file and summary data |
Pentagonal Method (file i/o) |
Displays the first 100 integers and their pentagonal number to file |
Random # Generator |
Input # of random numbers to generate between 1-10 |
Quiz Average |
Reads file of names and quiz scores then outputs class average |
Quiz Average 2 |
Modified to use a 2D array for quiz scores |
Concentration |
A matching card game |
Triangle Class |
Class with private and public variables, getters and setters, and constructors for all atributes of a triangle |
No Preview |
Concentration Class |
Modified concentration game to a class |
Roll 2 Pairs of Dice |
Rolls 2 pairs of dice until their totals are the same |
Roll 2 Pairs of Dice 2 |
Modified to use unicode dice |
Concentration Dialogbox (basic) |
Concentration game displayed in Dialogbox |
Concentration Dialogbox (intermediate) |
Added unicode characters instead of text/numbers |
Concentration Dialogbox (advanced) |
Added turn based multiplayer and scorekeeping |
Employee Dialogbox |
Lists Employees and their attributes in a dialogbox |
Employee Inheritance |
Uses extend to inherit employee dialogbox to workers and managers |
Triangle (JavaFX) |
JavaFX GUI app of triangle program |
Picture |
Create a picture in JavaFX |
Drawing Application |
Add controls to a drawing |
Pong |
Pong game with movable paddle |
Pong 2 |
Added hitbox to front of paddle, game over, game reset |
Avoidance |
Avoid the ball game |
Avoidance 2 |
Added scoreboard, speed, and sound effects |
Card Deck |
JavaFX card deck application with images |
5 Card Draw |
Draw 5 cards and select which cards to keep |
Space Acev1 |
Topdown scrolling space shooter |
Space Acev2 |
Added images, music, HUD, and powerups |